December 2022

4 Minutes
Website Hosting

The benefits and harms of mobile phones

Nowadays it is increasingly difficult to imagine our life without a mobile phone. And if earlier its presence was an indicator of financial viability and prestige, now a cell phone can be found in almost any person. It has become so firmly embedded in our everyday life that it seems to have existed for an eternity. However, only a little more than fifty years have passed since the creation of the first mobile phone. <<The very idea of cellular telephone […]

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1 Minute

The third stage of creating a training program

At the third stage, an algorithm for navigating through the pages of the training program was compiled.

The fourth stage of creating a training program

At the fourth stage, I started the technological process of creating my conceived product, while working with which I needed to study the ActionScript programming language built into Macromedia Flash. With his help, many commands and procedures were written for the electronic manual.

The sections of the textbook are supported by animated and colorful images, control buttons with […]

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2 Minutes

Development of a training program

Having got acquainted at a sufficient level with the theoretical foundations of training programs, their components and varieties, as well as with the technology of creating flash animations, I began to implement my project, work on which was carried out in several stages.

The first stage of creating a training program

At the first stage of the creation of the educational program “Funny Lessons”, the age contingent of students was established, the script and design of this program were developed, and in […]

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3 Minutes

How to create a training program

Automation of the learning process, that is, the use of computer technologies in education, is one of the ways to increase the efficiency and improve the educational process. The use of training programs often facilitates the work of the teacher (teacher), reduces the time of work with the throat, and there are also advantages for students: everyone works at an individual pace, has the opportunity to get a fairly visual idea of the subject being studied, with the help of […]

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2 Minutes

User Manual

When running the Logika_2 program.4.5_C.exe portraits of scientists are displayed on the screen. If you click on the image, you can read about the contribution of the scientist to the development of logic, if you click on the caption under the image, you can get acquainted with the biography of the scientist.

At the very top of the program window is the main menu from which training and control tests are launched.

The training scheme is very simple: first, you need to […]

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