Automation of the learning process, that is, the use of computer technologies in education, is one of the ways to increase the efficiency and improve the educational process. The use of training programs often facilitates the work of the teacher (teacher), reduces the time of work with the throat, and there are also advantages for students: everyone works at an individual pace, has the opportunity to get a fairly visual idea of the subject being studied, with the help of control questions can immediately check the quality of assimilation of the material, etc.
There are several interpretations of the concept of “Training computer program”:
A training computer program is a program that manages the educational and cognitive activity of a student and performs, as a rule, partially, the functions of a teacher (teacher).<
A training computer program is a program designed to transfer some knowledge and/or skill development to a student. Usually the training program is divided into the actual training and the controlling parts.<
The following components can be distinguished in the training program:
educational materials (texts, drawings, diagrams, tasks, etc.);
a control module (self-test questions, control tests, etc.);
a program that offers a certain sequence in working with the training program.
There are the following types of training programs:
Linear programs are successively alternating small blocks of educational information with a control task. The student must give the correct answer, sometimes just choose it from several possible ones. If the answer is correct, he receives new educational information, and if the answer is incorrect, he is invited to re-study the original information.
The branched program differs from the linear one in that the student, in case of an incorrect answer, may be provided with additional educational information that will allow him to complete the control task, give the correct answer and receive a new portion of educational information.
The adaptive program selects or provides the learner with the opportunity to choose the level of complexity of the new educational material, change it as they learn, access electronic reference books, dictionaries, manuals, etc. In the adaptive program, the diagnosis of a student’s knowledge is a multi-step process, at each step of which the results of the previous ones are taken into account.
The combined program includes fragments of linear, branched, adaptive programming.
The block program is implemented on the basis of a flexible program that provides students with the opportunity to perform a variety of intellectual operations and use the acquired knowledge in solving educational tasks. The following sequential blocks of such a training program are distinguished: information block; test-information (checking what has been learned); correction-information (in case of an incorrect answer – additional training); problem block: solving problems based on the knowledge gained; block of verification and correction.
The simulator is a training system that simulates regular and non-standard situations to which the student must respond adequately and in a timely manner.