
3 Minutes

How to create a training program

Automation of the learning process, that is, the use of computer technologies in education, is one of the ways to increase the efficiency and improve the educational process. The use of training programs often facilitates the work of the teacher (teacher), reduces the time of work with the throat, and there are also advantages for students: everyone works at an individual pace, has the opportunity to get a fairly visual idea of the subject being studied, with the help of […]

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8 Minutes

Imitation of a human: how neural networks can convince us 6.7

Neural networks learn from people to paint pictures and compose music, and it still looks like a funny machine learning trick. But this is just a prelude. It will end when neural networks begin to learn how people take risks, make choices and how to use morality. Such studies are already underway, and we create data for training ourselves, often without even knowing about it. Naked Science is trying to imagine why neural networks are needed that mimic our manner […]

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